
Customer Stories

Our customers’ success fuels our motivation. Discover how Attribute enables top brands achieve their business goals with smart, accurate and strategic cloud investments.

Cost visibility with tagless technology

Read how Akamai achieved the most granular and comprehensive cloud cost visibility with zero tagging

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Business unit costs accountability

Read how Hippo achieved business unit accountability and empowered engineering teams with actionable insights

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Loved and Trusted by

These leading brands have made cloud spend their business ally

“The Voice Of Our Customers”

Clients stories

“Attribute’s tagless technology made it extremely easy to overcome the data blindspots we had, and we can clearly discover and contextualize how each service or customer utilizes cloud resources, helping us make informed decisions rapidly.”

“Thanks to Attribute, we’ve avoided tagging and invested our efforts on strategic improvements instead. It freed up our team to enhance our platform significantly.”

Ziv Sivan

VP Engineering

“Attribute’s cost grouping technology took our cost visibility and allocation to a whole new level. Now, our teams are fully accountable for their budgets, significantly improving our cloud efficiency and helping us minimize unnecessary costs.”

“Integrating Zouz into our environment was as seamless as it can get and was completed in a matter of minutes.”

Eli Zilbershtein

Senior Engineering Manager Devops & SRE

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